
Tuesday, March 18, 2014


                                                                    Chapter I
                                                             LEARNED HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a programming language used to write the document format that can be used in the Web. With HTML, ASCII text (*. txt) can be polished (mark-up) with specific codes called tags to the HTML document (*.htm files or *. html). Therefore, to create an HTML document, you can use all the usual text editor programs, ranging from Notepads to MS Word. For easy, we use the program Notepad. Open the Notepad program. If you do not know how, click Start & gt; Programs & gt; Accessories and then Notepad. Now follow carefully the following exercises one after another. A. INTRODUCTION the HTML CODE In your Notepad, write programs like this: & lt;HTML & gt; & lt;/HTML> Each line above is called a tag. The Tag is used to mark-up (Polish) ASCII text into HTML file. Each tag is flanked by pointed brackets.
There is the opening tag is <HTML> and there is the closing tag </HTML> that are marked with a trailing slash (slash) ahead of the start of his writings. Tag above give to be written that faidah between both of these tags is the content of the HTML document. You need to know that the tag-an html tag can be written with capital letters or small letters. That is, writing <HTML> or <html> or <Html> the same result. But the need to always keep in mind that writing the wrong tag even though only one character will have an effect on your HTML document, even might result in your HTML document could not be shown in the browser. The content of an HTML document that is written between the tags <BODY>.
Try to write down:

This article will appear in the browser.
Take a look at the results of your work first! This article will appear in the browser. In the BODY of this tag we can insert various attributes that you want to format or display the web page as a whole. Add the attribute BGCOLOR and TEXT into the body tag as follows:
 <BODY BGCOLOR = ' yellow ' TEXT = ' red' >
This article will appear in the browser.
It will be seen the result:
this article will appear in the browser could on HTML color Determination with color names (United Kingdom) and also with the color code. Color codes are written in hex format #rrggbb.
Black             #000000                          Blue           #0000FF                       Olive        #808000
White            #FFFFFF                         Fuchsia      #FF00FF                       Green       #008000
Red               #FF0000                          Gray          #808080                        Teal         #008080
Yellow           #FFFF00                         Silver         #C0C0C0                      Navy       #000080
Lime              #00FF00                         Maroon     #800000                         Purple     #800080
Aqua             #00FFFF

thus, the HTML code for the above example could be written as follows:

<BODY BGCOLOR = ' #FFFF00 = ' TEXT ' #FF0000 ' >
 This article will appear in the browser.
Now open the returned source code add the following tags:
</HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR = ' yellow ' TEXT = ' red' >
This article will appear in the browser.
B. LETTER of tweaking
these tags function to change the type of font that thicken (bold), making the italics (italic) or underscore (underline).
Open the Notepad program then write again as follows:
<TITLE>The types of text </TILE>
 There are three different types of writing that are most commonly used in writing of any document. The third type of writing is bold, italics and underlined text. Two types of letters can also be combined for example paper thick and bold text and italic, underlined or in italics and underlined. Even the third may also the writing type and merge into one form of writing is bold, italic and underlined.

so it looks like:
there are three different types of writing that are most commonly used in writing of any document. The third type is the writing miringdan writing is bold, underlined text. Two types of letters can also be combined for example paper thick and bold text and italic, underlined or in italics and underlined.The third type can also even the novel at once merge into one form of writing is bold, italic and underlined.
to write down the title of the chapter or chapters. There are six levels of headers from H1 to H6. H1 is the most great header and H6 is the most small header. Try to write in your Notepad as follows:
<HTML & gt; & lt;BODY & gt; & lt;H1 & gt;Header level 1 & lt;/H1&gt; & lt;H2 & gt;Header level 2 & lt;/H2&gt; & lt;H3 & gt;Header level 3 & lt;/H3&gt; & lt;H4 & gt;Header level 4 & lt;/H4&gt; & lt;H5 & gt;Header level 5 & lt;/H5&gt; & lt;H6 & gt;Header level 6 & lt;/H6&gt; & lt;HTML & gt; & lt;BODY & gt; Store it in the format of the HTML file and then open it in the browser. The result will look as follows:

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